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CAD 2D/3D with a perpetual license
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GstarCAD is 2D/3D design software characterized by a low price and a perpetual license. Thanks to high performance, intuitive interface, cooperation with professional industry overlays and many innovative functions, it allows for quick and effective work with DWG/DXF file formats. Perfect for both beginners and experienced designers.
The most important features of GstarCAD

When purchasing GstarCAD, you can choose a perpetual or temporary license and freely transfer it between workstations using a USB key or via network transfer.

Intuitive interface
The GstarCAD interface is compatible with the ACAD interface. It does not require any additional settings or changes. This also applies to the work methodology itself.
Dynamic blocks
Blocks allow you to add your own rules and parameters to the object. This makes it easier to insert blocks in new projects and automates many operations.
Working in the cloud
With one click, you can transfer current drawings to the “cloud”, share them with any users, and make corrections from any place or device.
Support for popular formats
GstarCAD perfectly copes with reading any DWG format. All with full continuity of data compatibility.

Najważniejsze cechy GstarCAD?
Bloki umożliwiają dodanie własnych reguł i parametrów do obiektu. Ułatwia to wstawianie bloków w nowych projektach i automatyzuje wiele operacji.
Kupując GstarCAD możesz wybrać licencję wieczystą lub czasową i dowolnie przenosić ją pomiędzy stanowiskami pracy za pomocą klucza USB lub transfer sieciowy.
Interfejs GstarCAD jest zbieżny z interfejsem ACAD. Nie wymaga żadnych, dodatkowych ustawień i zmian. Dotyczy to również samej metodologii pracy.
Jednym kliknięciem możesz przenosić aktualne rysunki do „chmury”, udostępniać
je dowolnym użytkownikom, nanoś poprawki z dowolnego miejsca czy urządzenia.
GstarCAD doskonale radzi sobie z odczytem każdego formatu DWG. Wszystko z pełnym zachowaniem ciągłości kompatybilności danych.
What makes GstarCAD stand out?

Compatibility with CAD systems
Users gain full compatibility with ACAD formats and others used in design work.

Lower CAD program costs
Competitive prices and the possibility of purchasing a perpetual license are an attractive option for companies. A flexible licensing model enables quick transfer of licenses between users, which increases operational efficiency.

Top performance
Performing typical operations: "OPEN", "QSAVE", "PLOT", "CLIP", "TRIM", "PAST", "MOVE", "DYNAMIC SELECTION" is much faster than in other CAD programs.
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